AUTOTRASPORTI Intermodal Trasporti

Via Casilina Sud, SNC 03013 FERENTINO  (FR)

Intermodal Trasporti - Autotrasporti Ferentino


Intermodal Trasporti

Via Casilina Sud, SNC 03013 FERENTINO (FR) IT

Intermodaltrasporti is leader of a group of companies that operate in integrated logistics and in multimodal transport.

Intermodaltransport: railway, short sea, last mile and storage services. Intermodaltrasporti is leader of a group of companies that operate in integrated logistics and in multimodal transport. In the last 35 years, it has invested huge resources in order to satisfy specific requirements. Furthermore the intermodal transport has been integrated with the services of storage and logistics of packed products, bulk food and chemical products. The area is organized to store the loading units with the help of reachstackers. Warehouses of about 11,000 square meters each offer storage services for different types of packed and bulk goods. The structure is equipped at the moment with a bundle of 3 tracks which recently has been increased with another 4 of which one of 740 m., complying with European standards for high capacity. The terminal is strategic not only for the trafficflows in departure from and arrival to various European industrial areas but also for the ports of the Italian north-west for which Agognate will be able to become a real inland port infrastructure once the Plan The only Third Pass of Giovi and Crossing of Genoa is completed Currently, the hub operates 6 trains a week, all coming from EU countries. The next stages of development foresees an additional 6 pairs of trains up to 13 pairs of trains by the end of 2023. The Terminal in 2022 has received and managed approximately 200.000 tons of goods.


movimentazione grandi volumi, trasporto veicoli, trasporto rifiuti non pericolosi, stoccaggio rifiuti, trasporti stradali con motrici


spedizioni terrestri, trasporti stradali di merci con container, trasporto con furgoni, trasporto di impiantistica, traslochi stradali, trasporti stradali di merci, trasloco stradale di abitazioni ed uffici

Lun08:30 - 18:00 Mar08:30 - 18:00 Mer08:30 - 18:00 Gio08:30 - 18:00 Ven08:30 - 18:00 Sab08:30 - 18:00 Domchiuso
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